Arts & Culture

The Old marshall jail is an arts & history hotel celebrating the creative spirit of Marshall, NC

Appalachian Ballad Swaps at Zadie’s Market

Zadie’s Market, Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6-8 pm

Ballad Swaps nights at the Old Marshall Jail offer the rare opportunity for visitors to experience Appalachian folk music in person, while enjoying a cold beverage and a great meal. We are lucky to have several talented ballad singers here in Marshall, including our very own Donna Ray Norton at the Old Marshall Jail, who’s flock of songbirds host a traditional Ballad Swap right here on our downstairs patio. The tradition of Appalachian ballad singing is a vital part of the cultural identity of the Appalachian people.  Originating from the Irish and British folk ballads of early settlers, ballads are passed down through generations, with each rendition carrying the unique interpretations and nuances of the singer.  A uniquely special form of Appalachian heritage that lives through those who seek to preserve the integrity of musical heritage, tradition, and storytelling through the art of song.  

Josh Copus Pottery

Josh Copus is the co-owner of the Old Marshall Jail Hotel and Zadies Market. He is a ceramic artist and creative entrepreneur who is featured in galleries throughout the United States, including Blue Spiral in Asheville. He makes most of his pottery in a woodfire kiln in Walnut, about 10 minutes from the Old Marshall Jail. His large sculptural vessels, tiles and functional tablewares are showcased throughout the building and available for purchase. Josh is also an accomplished welder who created many of the custom sconces and railings you see throughout the building.

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